TuDiabetes Live Interview with Mary McNeight, founder of Diabetic Alert Dog Academy


Mary McNeight is the founder of a unique program called Diabetic Alert Dog University. She is a professional member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers, holds a CPDT-KA (certified pet dog trainer — knowledge assessed) granted by the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers, and is certified by the American Red Cross in pet first aid. With more than 5 years of training experience, she has had multiple requests nationwide for her services and to speak on behalf of dog training.
Using only methods approved by the American Humane Association and positive reinforcement techniques, Mary gives private training sessions and offers small group classes for both service and pet dog training in order to provide the best possible service that caters to your needs. Mary is also dedicated toward providing low-cost service dog training for people with disabilities ever since she had to become the resource she needed to train her own dog for service work. Currently, Mary is owned by her yellow lab who is a certified diabetic alert dog.
A certified dog trainer who has experienced life before a service dog, and life with a service dog, Mary McNeight is a fantastic resource to help train your pet or service dog. She can be found teaching at The Service Dog Academy at her dog training studio in the heart of West Seattle.

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded by: Diabetes Hands Foundation
Hosted: youtube

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